Thank you for scheduling your Boarding & Grooming with us online!
Simply fill out the following form and we will e-mail back to you a confirmation.
Note: Sending a boarding request does not guarantee a reservation.
Owner's Information
*E-mail Address:
* Owner's Name
*Zip Code:
*Home Phone#:
Work Phone#:
*Cell Phone#:
Emergency Contact's Name:
Phone #
Name of your Veterinarian or Clinic?
Veterinarian's phone #
Dog #1's Information
Dog's Name:
Spayed or Neutered?
Gets along with other dogs?
Type of Food :
Brand of Food:
Additional Diet Information:
Dog #1's Medication:
Does your dog take medication?
Reason for Medication/s:
Name of Medication/s :
Dosage of Medication/s:
Additional Medication Information:
Grooming Information
Would you like your dog to be groomed?
Check all that apply:
Bath/Brush (includes bath, blow dry, nails and anal glands):
Type of cut? If your not sure, the groomer can suggest a clip that would be best for your dog.
Nails Only $10
Teeth Brushing $10
Dog #2's Information
Dog's Name:
Spayed or Neutered?
Gets along with other dogs?
Brand of Food:
Additional Diet Information:
Dog #2's Medication:
Does your dog take medication?
Reason for Medication/s:
Name of Medication/s :
Dosage of Medication/s:
Additional Medication Information:
Grooming Information
Would you like your dog to be groomed?
Check all that apply:
Bath/Brush (includes bath, blow dry, nails and anal glands):
Type of cut? If your not sure, the groomer can suggest a clip that would be best for your dog.
Nails Only $10
Teeth Brushing $10
*required information
*Return Client?
*How many dogs will be staying with us?
*Arrival date?
*Time of drop-off ?
*Tentative pick-up date?
*Time of pick-up?
*Will we be grooming your dog/s?
(661) 822-5800 Fax: (855) 822-0066